Dear Friend,
When my father, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, founded then–CBN University in 1977, it was because God told him (over a bowl of cantaloupe and cottage cheese) to “build a school for My glory.” What a lot of people don’t know is that his confirmation to move forward with this “adventure in Christian education” came from my mom, Adelia “DeDe” Robertson.
He once told me, “We were at a condo down in Florida. We were praying, and the Lord led her to 2 Timothy 2:2, ‘What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also’” (ESV). Today, a brass plaque inscribed with that verse rests above the entrance of the Administration Building, one of the very first structures built on campus.
The need for Christian leadership in America’s schools today is unprecedented. Your generous support is urgently needed to equip faithful men and women who can be entrusted with our children’s hearts and minds.
Our motto, Christian Leadership to Change the World, could not be accomplished without friends like you. Your prayers and gifts to Regent University are having a global impact. Thank you for helping us forge the next generation of servant-leaders in education and other key areas of influence.
Gordon Robertson
Chancellor, Regent University