Adapting for Success
March 11, 2020, is a day that may forever live in people’s minds worldwide. That’s when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic impacting all educational programs.
March 11, 2020, is a day that may forever live in people’s minds worldwide. That’s when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic impacting all educational programs.
The United States of America changed that day. In many senses, that reverberation was felt around the world.
Reeling in fish from her boat’s fighting chair; flying patients to medical facilities while seated in her cockpit; negotiating real estate deals from her office chair; or choosing a recliner at a cancer center for chemotherapy treatments. Whenever Cheryl McLeskey takes a seat, she means business.
Abigail Lindner has always been good with numbers—but after earning a highly competitive spot on an eight-week research experience last summer, she’s discovered a new passion: research.
When extraordinary commitment to Regent’s mission and powerful academic impact intersect, you’ll find Dr. Ingo Tophoven—chair of the Counseling Ministries Department in Regent’s School of Psychology & Counseling and this year’s Chancellor’s Award recipient.
The Honors College attracts high-achieving students, providing mentorship opportunities and an advanced honors curriculum based on its unique educational L.I.F.E. model: great Learning, Instruction, Faculty & Expectations.
Not only was the Class of 2021 the largest graduating class in the history of Regent University with more than 2,500 graduates, but this year the university also celebrated its 30-thousandth graduate.
“It’s the most beautiful thing in the world when you discover what you feel like you were put on this earth to do,” Eugene says. “It’s done some incredible things in my life by just saying yes to Regent.”
Leadership is a holy calling founded upon eternal theological and natural law principles that all humans are made in the image of God. That humanity is endowed with faith and reason to make free will ethical and moral decisions in the sacred trust of self-government.
Beginning Fall 2021, the Robertson School of Government will expand their reach with two new degree programs: Master of Arts in International Development and Master of Arts in Campaigns & Political Leadership.