Regent Alumni World Changer: Pat McCarty

January 15, 2016 0 comments
Regent World Changers: An image of the globe overlaid on a collage of Regent life.
Pat McCarty

Pat McCarty ’12
School of Education

A West Point graduate who later earned his MBA, Pat McCarty joined the School of Education’s Career Switcher program in 2009 after a spending years as a successful businessman. “How hard could it be?” he asked himself. “As I considered my undergraduate and graduate degrees and assessed my diverse business experiences, I fully expected this to be another simple job change. … I could not have been more mistaken.”

Hired as a high school math and science teacher just nine weeks into the SOE program, McCarty eventually earned an M.A. in education from Regent. “As a Career Switcher, I found that being more mature (and maybe a little more intimidating) than most new, freshly minted teachers helped,” he explains. “I have discovered that caring for and caring about each of my students is a fundamental ingredient in helping me navigate the long and difficult days that are routine in the teaching profession.”

Today, McCarty serves as the Head of School at Norfolk Christian Schools in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia. “There is no greater calling than to invest our time and energies in the next generation,” he insists. “And there is no profession that allows one to do so more completely than that of a teacher. I am happy, proud and content to have taken this road.”

Please join with the entire Regent community in praying for January’s alumni world changer, Pat McCarty.

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