For the Love of People Regent’s impressive record of diversity is founded in a single biblical principle

August 26, 2016 0 comments

For-the-Love-of-People-4Many colleges and universities, both secular and Christian, have embraced diversity as a core value. Yet, racial equality has become a contentious issue on campuses across the country. Some of the more urgent calls for diversity by students, faculty and/or staff have spawned protests, sit-ins and town halls at several schools nationwide in the past year.

Regent University maintains a history of diversity to be proud of. “God brings people here,” says Martha Smith ’95, ’14 (SBL, Law), vice president for human resources and administration at Regent. “We just open our arms and embrace the people, whether students or staff, whom God chooses to call and bring to us.”

“When students come here, they’re welcome because they’re children of God, and we’re brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s just that simple.”
– Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson

For-the-Love-of-People-6Smith adds that, six years ago, the university did implement an affirmative-action plan that is outlined in Regent’s current employee handbook. At the time that policy was adopted, the university faculty and staff were 51 percent women and 17 percent ethnic minorities. Today’s breakdown is 58 percent women and 29 percent minorities.

According to Smith, other universities with affirmative-action plans average 54 percent women and 23 percent minorities, while schools without clearly defined diversity programs average 50 percent women and 14 percent minorities. “Our student body is also incredibly diverse,” she explains, “with 46 percent minorities.”

For-the-Love-of-People-1In fact, outside of historically black colleges and universities, Regent has one of the best records of student diversity and minority enrollment in the nation. “The reason is because we love people,” says Regent Founder, Chancellor and CEO Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson.

As a leading academic center for Christian thought and action, Regent will continue to welcome people from a wide spectrum of ethnic backgrounds. Since its founding in 1978, the school’s motto has been Christian Leadership to Change the World, which points to a desire to impact lives around the globe. By consistently delivering excellent graduate and undergraduate programs both online and on campus, Regent is preparing Christian leaders for lives of significant purpose and service.

For-the-Love-of-People-3Regent’s vision is to prepare men and women to excel both in mind and spirit, regardless of their race, creed or national origin. As one of the most influential, Christian, transformational universities in the world, the school’s students, faculty and staff share a calling, founded on biblical principles, to make a significant, life-changing difference through excellence, innovation and integrity.

“When students come here, they’re welcome because they’re children of God, and we’re brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s just that simple,” Robertson insists. “We don’t necessarily need a program because we exceed all the schools that have programs; because we love people and the Lord is our personnel director.”

For information about enrolling in one of Regent University’s eight schools of study, call 800.373.5504 or visit today.

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