Amazing Growth

August 1, 2015 0 comments
Regent Students

Many colleges and universities are downsizing in the face of stagnant enrollment and declining revenue. Not so at Regent University. The institution is making significant investments in several areas to continue providing high-quality education at an affordable price. The goal is to position Regent to remain an industry leader through quality-driven, sustainable and exponential enrollment growth.

“We want the Regent community to be aware of the specifics of this plan and its effects,” says Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño, executive vice president for Academic Affairs and dean of the College of Arts & Sciences. “This growth initiative is essential to the university’s future and our leadership in higher education.”

“The landscape of higher education in America is drastically changing,” explains Regent founder, chancellor and CEO, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson. “Ballooning costs have become the number-one issue that prevents students from accessing high-quality education. At the same time, costs are also the number-one challenge affecting universities.

“Seeing schools close their doors should be a wake-up call for every college and university to review their operations and offerings,” he continues. “Regent is addressing this issue by proactively investing in sustainable growth, now, so that we are much better positioned to offer accessible, quality education at an affordable price for students.”

Pat Robertson SpeakingIn May, the university awarded degrees to 1,500 graduates, the largest class ever, which raised the alumni total to more than 20,000. Now, after record-breaking spring enrollment, Regent has introduced a host of new graduate and undergraduate programs in an effort to attract and equip even more future Christian leaders to change the world.

“The university has introduced 40 new degree programs, concentrations and certificates,” Robertson says. “We have new undergraduate programs in accounting, computer science, cyber security, early childhood education, and healthcare management. New graduate programs include master’s degrees in franchising, healthcare management, innovation management, wealth management & financial planning, political communication and general psychology, just to name a few.”

To make Regent most attractive to today’s students and continue the enrollment growth from the spring and summer semesters, the university researched the most popular traditional and online academic programs in America.
By adding these programs, Regent will bolster its current, award-winning online program, which U.S. News & World Report ranked as the #11 school in the nation for online bachelor’s degrees in 2015.

“With a stated goal of more than 100 programs by 2016, we are adding new degrees that our research shows are some of the most in-demand nationwide,” Moreno-Riaño explains.

“We are currently at 101 percent of our summer-enrollment goal, and new-student enrollment is up 68 percent.”

-Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson

“At the same time, Regent has significantly improved student support, as well as the enrollment process. These changes position us to provide the highest level of education at an affordable price and continue to grow in a sustainable fashion.”

Robertson points out that, over the past year, the university has shifted the emphasis to online enrollment, adding: “The results are extraordinary. We are currently at 101 percent of our summer-enrollment goal, and new-student enrollment is up 68 percent compared to the 2013-2014 school year. Our goal is to move from 6,000 students to 9,000 for the fall semester, which is a 50-percent increase in enrollment.

“One year from now, we anticipate 15,000 students – most of them online.”

Students Meeting“Following a major, yearlong outreach, we had the best spring enrollment in the university’s history,” Moreno-Riaño adds. “It’s the first time in a decade that our spring enrollment growth topped the fall enrollment, and we are projecting double-digit increases in the fall.”

In 2014, the board of trustees voted to increase the university’s advertising budget substantially to invest in media campaigns. The effort has been extremely successful in drawing students to Regent.

“What’s been done over the past year is nothing short of fantastic,” Robertson says. “The results are tremendous, and the university has been taking off like a rocket. We’ve added 70 new positions, while downsizing some programs where interest was lacking in order to balance our budget.”

Regent is adding staff to directly support enrollment, admissions, advising, student services and new academic programs. The university also will consolidate enrollment, recruitment and advising services to gain efficiencies and offer a streamlined application process and better customer service.

Other changes coming this fall include a newly created academic support center specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s students 24/7.

“The management book From Good to Great says that great corporations have a ‘bias toward action,’” Robertson notes. “Regent has that. We are dynamic; we are moving; and we have a bias toward action. I can’t believe what’s been accomplished in the past year!”

With record-breaking enrollment numbers and new undergraduate and graduate programs ready to roll, Regent’s future is as bright as ever.

For information about enrolling in one of Regent University’s eight schools of study, call 800.373.5504 or visit today!

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