Celebrating the Class of 2024

July 15, 2024 0 comments
Regent university graduates

You Empowered the Next Generation of Christian Leaders To Answer God’s Call and Serve Others for His Glory.

In Virginia Beach, thousands gathered for Regent University’s 44th Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 4, 2024. For the first time as Chancellor, Gordon Robertson stepped to the Commencement podium to confer degrees to 2,279 graduates who are now fully equipped to change the world for God’s glory.

“The enthusiasm from all the graduates was infectious,” Robertson told IMPACT. “I could feel how joyful everyone was and how much anticipation they had for this major milestone in life. They’re prepared for life after graduation and how God is going to use them. I was greatly encouraged.”

Regent university commencement

I could feel how joyful everyone was and how much anticipation they had for this major milestone in life.

Gordon Robertson, Chancellor

One of the largest graduating classes in Regent history, the Class of 2024 included representatives from 49 states and 13 countries. The crowning achievements for this new generation of Christian leaders were built on a cornerstone of generosity laid by faithful friends and donors, like you—thank you for helping make this pivotal milestone possible!

The procession of soon-to-be graduates, Regent faculty, and university administrators began promptly at 9:15 a.m. with The Hilton Brass Quintet playing “Pomp and Circumstance.” Once everyone was seated, Robertson opened the ceremony with prayer and a welcome message to honor the Class of 2024. 

“We see the hand of God on every graduate today, and we will pray that hand stays with you throughout your life,” he said. “May you go from this place and carry out the mission of Christian leadership to change the world. … I commend you for your tenacity, for your strength, for your academic achievements. We’re also very, very proud of you.”

Regent university commencement

The Chancellor then introduced the 2024 Commencement speaker: Virginia Attorney General Jason S. Miyares. The first Hispanic American elected to statewide office in Virginia and the first child of an immigrant to serve the Commonwealth as attorney general, Miyares’ keynote address urged graduates to let faith, family, and friends “anchor” their lives.

“To change the world, you must always keep (these) pillars,” the Attorney General insisted. “First, anchoring in your faith means you’ll have to listen to God’s calling, even if it means for you to do things you never thought possible.”

Regent university commencement speakers.

Anchoring in your faith means you’ll have to listen to God’s calling, even if it means for you to do things you never thought possible.

Jason S. Miyares, Virginia Attorney General

“You must never, ever, ever sacrifice your family,” he continued. “Your family will anchor you almost as much as your faith as you go through your career. … Finally, your friends. You cannot change a world in any field without friendship. … Your friends can speak truth to you in your life’s most important moments.”

Before the conferring of degrees, Robertson shared his first-ever “Chancellor’s Charge” with the Class of 2024. He said presiding over the ceremony was “bittersweet,” remembering the passing of his father, Regent University Founder Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, on June 8, 2023.

Later, after Robertson announced that graduates could now “change their tassels,” the blasts of air cannons immediately showered the plaza (and everyone in it) with confetti. As the excitement died down, the crowd sang the Regent anthem, and a benediction dismissed the Class of 2024. 

“As these men and women face trials, challenges, and successes in life,” Robertson added, “they need to keep in mind that the best place you can be is on your knees. Everything you’re going to get in life is going to come from God.”

Reflecting on Attorney General Miyares’ message to this year’s graduates, you can’t change the world without the pillars of faith, family, and friends. That’s why we’re so grateful for your friendship and support. Your sacrificial giving plays a vital role in mobilizing Regent students and alumni to fulfill the Great Commission and to bring the love, hope, and light of Jesus to the world.

The more we give, the more we delight in giving and the more we reflect the very heart of God. By supporting Regent, you are investing in education that glorifies God and equips men and women to lead with excellence, innovation, and integrity. Thank you!

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