Discovering Greatness

July 8, 2021 0 comments
Honors College signs in Regent University.

Regent’s Honors College Offers a Challenging
Curriculum for the Nation’s Best & Brightest Students

As Jalyn pored over the scriptures, seeking clarity on which college to attend, the answer kept coming back the same: Christian leader.

She had already received several full-ride scholarships to other colleges to study biochemistry and engineering, as well as several scholarships to attend Regent as an Honors student. But there was still a shortfall in funds. As the oldest of six children in a single-income household, Jalyn knew that a fully funded education was the only way to achieve her goal to attend a university.

“I began journaling to allow the Holy Spirit to just talk to me,” says Jalyn. “In a conversation with the Lord about my financial worries, God told me: ‘Do not worry about earthly matters. Let My will—not your own—be done.’”

That cemented Jalyn’s decision to enroll as an Honors student at Regent and pursue a B.S. in Biophysical Sciences. 

Jalyn Dio, a Regent University Honors College student.
Jalyn Dio, Honors Student

“The program has greatly challenged my way of thinking while inspiring me to learn why I believe certain things and to be strong in my faith,” shares Jalyn. “It has taught me about the importance of apologetics in the real world, which is especially important for someone like me who wants to go into STEM research.”

Best of all, she earned enough scholarships to fund her four-year education fully. 

“The tuition discount and other scholarships allowed me to attend Regent and fulfill God’s plan for me,” adds Jalyn.

Jalyn is just one of many incredibly gifted and talented Honors students at Regent.

Last August, on the heels of their robust and successful Honors Program, Regent University launched the Honors College on their Virginia Beach campus—one of the most exciting academic ventures in the university’s recent history. 

The inaugural class—71 freshmen strong—represents some of the brightest students in the nation. With an average incoming GPA over 4.0, they’re in the top 15% of all SAT test-takers in the United States.

Regent’s Honors students explore the true meaning of greatness through a rigorous curriculum and are taught and mentored by some of the most astute faculty in the nation, including sessions with notable professionals, such as the Hon. John Ashcroft, 79th United States Attorney General; the Hon. Robert McDonnell, 71st Governor of Virginia; Rear Admiral Bill McCarthy, USN (Ret.); Mollie Hemingway, senior editor for The Federalist; and Dr. Mary Manjikian, one of Regent’s five Fulbright Scholars.

The Honors College attracts high-achieving students, providing mentorship opportunities and an advanced honors curriculum based on its unique educational L.I.F.E. model: great Learning, Instruction, Faculty & Expectations. 

“With remarkable curriculum, instruction, faculty, and setting great expectations, the Honors College seeks to change the way students view the world while preparing them to meet it with greatness.”

Dr. Josh McMullen
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences 

“With remarkable curriculum, instruction, faculty, and setting great expectations, the Honors College seeks to change the way students view the world while preparing them to meet it with greatness,” says Dr. Josh McMullen, dean of Regent’s College of Arts & Sciences

In less than a year, the Honors College is already achieving success—having been recognized by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni’s (ACTA) Hidden Gems initiative in Spring 2021. 

ACTA’s Hidden Gems initiative directs students’ attention to exceptional honors programs grounded in the study of American government, history, and the great books and programs at colleges nationwide that cultivate critical analysis and excellent oral communication and intercultural fluency skills.

Beyond its exceptional programs, however, Regent’s Honors College also strives to prepare students to lead, overcome and bring honor to God in all things.

“The world needs dedicated Christians with disciplined minds, exceptional spirits, battle-tested hearts to challenge the culture; lead and serve others for God’s glory,” says McMullen.

To make this program available to more deserving students like Jalyn, visit
to give to the Honors College scholarship fund.

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