Letter from the Chancellor

July 15, 2024 0 comments
A photo of Chancellor Gordon Robertson: Read more about the Chancellor's Letter.

Dear Friend,

During my first Commencement as Chancellor of Regent University, I was overwhelmed with gratitude to witness your remarkable impact on our students. By God’s providence–and with your help–Regent awarded degrees to 2,279 graduates who are now equipped to excel in business, communication, divinity, education, government, healthcare, law, psychology, technology, and more.

As we celebrate the Class of 2024, I am reminded of my father’s charge to the Class of 2023: “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37, ESV). Although my father passed away in June 2023, his vision is very much alive at Regent.

The community at Regent is amazing. I couldn’t be more pleased with the students, faculty, and staff. They are all shining brightly. I believe the Lord has great plans for the future of this university. But it’s a future that will be made even brighter with continued support from friends like you. Your prayers and gifts make it possible for Regent to become the most influential, transformational Christian university in the world.

There has never been a greater need for high-quality, Christ-centered education–and we are committed to providing exactly that. Your kindness and support makes it possible. On behalf of our grateful students and 37,000 alumni, thank you for your courage and generosity in supporting the mission and vision of Regent.

All for God’s glory,

Gordon Robertson
Chancellor, Regent University

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