Letter from the Chancellor

March 21, 2025 0 comments
Chancellor Gordon Robertson of Regent University: Read about the Chancellor's Letter.

Dear Friend,

As a lawyer who worked in private practice for ten years, I understand the hard work and sacrifice that’s required to study for and pass the Bar Exam. I also know how important it is to have Christian leaders serving in every aspect of the legal profession today.

In Micah 6:8, we’re told the Lord requires us “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (ESV). Regent University’s School of Law believes that pursuing a legal career is about more than finding a profession—it’s about fulfilling a calling.

Inside the pages of the enclosed IMPACT newsletter, you’ll learn how friends like you are helping Regent Law students, graduates, and faculty change the world for God’s glory. Through the Center for Global Justice and other educational initiatives, your sacrificial giving is training the next generation of Christian legal professionals.

 As a friend of Regent, you understand the importance of equipping servant-leaders to make a global and eternal impact. Your faithful prayers and generous financial gifts are vital to helping us remain one of the leading, transformational, Christian universities in the world. Thank you for your continued partnership and support.

All for God’s glory,
Gordon Robertson
Chancellor, Regent University

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