On Top of the World Regent Law students impress at moot court world championship in Oxford, UK

April 1, 2016 0 comments


Regent University’s School of Law has an impressive record of success in moot court competitions. At the Price Media International Law Competition held at Oxford University in the United Kingdom this month, a Regent team proved to be, not only one of the best in the nation, but also one of the best in the world.

After being named the top team in the Western Hemisphere at a preliminary competition in New York in January, Regent students Sandra Alcaide, Christy Hurst and Palmer Hurst, received high praise from the university’s Founder, Chancellor and CEO Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson. “These wonderful students are a tremendous team. We’re really proud of them. The future in law is at Regent University,” Robertson proclaimed.

In Oxford, the Regent team performed very well against the other 39 teams at the international competition. While the students didn’t make it to the advanced rounds, their legal brief was named second best in the world. In addition, Palmer Hurst was named a top-10 oralist in the world.

“He beat all competitors for the Americas, Eastern Europe and Western Europe,” says Regent’s Vice President for Advancement, Ann LeBlanc, who attended the competition. “Only Asia surpassed us in the oral argument. It is truly an amazing example of Christian leadership to change the world.”

“These wonderful students are a tremendous team. We’re really proud of them. The future in law is at Regent University.”

“I think the team demonstrated, once again, that Regent prepares its students to compete with the best anytime and anywhere,” explains team coach and Regent professor Jeffrey Brauch. “And our writing training is simply outstanding. We won the Best Memorial (Brief) Award in the entire Western Hemisphere and the Second-Best Memorial (Brief) in the World. I am deeply proud of our students, and I’m thankful for God’s blessing on their efforts.”

“This performance validates that our legal writing and skills training is second to none, in the U.S. and around the world,” says Michael Hernandez, dean of Regent’s School of Law. “We prepare our students not just to be moot court champions, but to be highly skilled, principled, and ethical advocates who will serve clients with excellence, and will better the world around them. I am very proud of our students and their accomplishments!”

LeBlanc adds that the Price Media competition and others like it are essential to preparing students from a global university to learn how to succeed at an international level. “The presiding judge said at the end of the final that the memorial (brief) was the essential component of rulings before the European Court,” she says. “That’s why it was so significant that Regent came in second, ahead of teams from Oxford University and the University of London. Our students are ready to present real cases before the European Courts and the courts of the world.”

The world-championship performance at Oxford and recent victories in several national competitions have resulted in Regent Law’s moot court program being named fourth-best in the nation by the University of Houston Law Center. It’s the School of Law’s highest ranking in history among more than 200 law schools accredited by the American Bar Association.
For information about full-time and part-time degree programs at Regent University’s School of Law, visit regent.edu/law or call 877.267.5072.

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