Letter from the Chancellor

November 9, 2023 0 comments
A photo of Chancellor Gordon Robertson: Read more about the Chancellor's Letter.

Dear Friend,

I want to thank you for your partnership as we continue to give God glory in everything we do. Your prayers and gifts to Regent University are changing the lives of people around the world.

As Regent’s chancellor, I look forward to working closely with the Board of Trustees, staff, faculty, students and alumni to enhance the university’s influence and impact. Together, we can ensure that our mission of Christian Leadership to Change the World will not change.

I have grown up alongside Regent University. I remember when Dad returned home from California in 1975, after hearing God tell him, “Build a school for My glory.” The Lord spoke, and my father obeyed. Like Abraham, Dad did not waver. Regent held a very special place in his heart. 

In the early days of CBN University, as it was known back then, my father called it an “adventure in Christian education.” Through God’s grace, Regent still is, and I pray it always will be. Thank you again for your faithful prayers and generous support.


Gordon Robertson
Chancellor, Regent University

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