Regent World Changer: Kirk Schweitzer

April 24, 2023 0 comments
Regent World Changers: An image of the globe overlaid on a collage of Regent life.

If not for the encouragement he received to pursue God’s call on his life at Regent School of Law, Kirk Schweitzer (LAW ’16) says he might not be serving as chief of staff for Love Justice International (LJI). 

LJI operates schools in some of the poorest parts of the world, caring for orphaned and abandoned children. The nonprofit’s mission is “sharing the love of Jesus Christ by fighting the world’s greatest injustices.”

Regent University World Changer: Kirk Schweitzer, Chief of Staff, Love Justice International, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Kirk Schweitzer (LAW ’16)
Chief of Staff, Love Justice International
Kathmandu, Nepal

“My job is to support the CEO and keep the trains running on time,” Kirk explains. “Our day-to-day work may look different, but it’s all linking back to this mission. In our work, whether fighting against human trafficking or caring for orphans, we seek to empower the local church, giving them the tools and support they need to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of these.”

LJI’s fight against human trafficking, which the organization calls “one of the most devastating and inhumane crimes in the world today,” involves a unique, global transit-monitoring strategy. Kirk and his LJI colleagues are able to identify and stop trafficking before people are exploited and sold into slavery. To date, they’ve intercepted and prevented more than 23,000 people from being trafficked!

“Love Justice International is where I get to pursue a calling that resonates so deeply in my heart and with Scripture,” Kirk explains. “We believe the Gospel is a gospel of love, and love is not idle in the face of suffering. We have the responsibility, opportunity and blessing to search out the least of these, those facing the world’s greatest injustices, and bringing them a tangible hope.”

Please join the entire Regent community in praying for God to bless and protect the work of Regent Alumni World Changer Kirk Schweitzer.

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