Regent World Changers: Brian and Valerie Britton

July 26, 2023 0 comments
Regent World Changers: An image of the globe overlaid on a collage of Regent life.

Brian and Valerie Britton (SOD ’03 & ’04) are the founders of Harvest Family Network, an evangelism and revival outreach with more than 100 members around the world. The Brittons empower, equip, license, and ordain pastors, ministers, and missionaries for all that God has for them.

“We provide training and ministry credentials via teaching, conferences, and schools,”
Brian explains.

Harvest Family Network is taking the Good News even further through new global media opportunities. In June, their weekly television program “Abundant Life” expanded to The NOW Network.

“We also broadcast on King Television, based in Pakistan, which airs around the world via satellite,” Valerie says. “And we’re just beginning our own channel on Roku.”

During Commencement Week, the School of Divinity (SOD) named Brian and Valerie as the school’s 2023 Alumni of the Year. Dean Dr. Corné J. Bekker tells IMPACT the Brittons were recognized due to their willingness to give an unqualified “Yes!” to Jesus and the example they set in servant ministry.

Brian and Valerie Britton (SOD ’03 & ’04), Harvest Family Network, Williamsburg, VA.
Brian and Valerie Britton (SOD ’03 & ’04)
Harvest Family Network, Williamsburg, VA

“Brian and Valerie are modeling what a world-transforming effect a complete surrender to Christ can have,” Bekker insists. “They exemplify the mission of the School of Divinity to prepare Christ-honoring ministers empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of the transforming power of the gospel.”

The Brittons met as classmates during their first year of seminary at Regent University’s School of Divinity. The couple married shortly after Brian graduated in 2003 with a Master of Arts in Practical Theology. Valerie earned the same degree a year later.

“Our Regent experience is special,” Brian says. “It was there that God called me to take the gospel to the nations. The highest quality theological education from a Spirit-filled perspective and from an incredibly encouraging faculty gave us the foundation that has been the rock of our pastoral and worldwide ministry.”

Valerie adds, “We learned in the midst of a season of intense academic rigor to remain passionate and on fire for Jesus. Our faith grew as we became intentional about a radical intimacy with God.”

Bekker sees God using the Brittons to fulfill His plans for global revival: “Their passion, obedience, and humble service inspire countless others to follow the call of Christ.”

“Being named the School of Divinity’s ‘Alumni of the Year’ together is a humbling honor,” Brian explains. “When we say yes to God, He is faithful to position us for His glory. Jesus and His Kingdom are within us through the Holy Spirit. When we go, He goes with us!”

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