The Chancellor’s Message

April 24, 2023 0 comments
Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, Founder, Chancellor & CEO Regent University.

Dear Friend,

Just before the start of 2023, God gave me this command from Psalm 81:10, “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Soon after, the Lord led me to the story of Elisha and the widow’s oil in 2 Kings 4. Elisha told the woman and her sons to find as many pots as possible, and God kept the oil flowing until they ran out of pots. What does that tell us? It means as long as we keep believing in God, the flow of His Spirit will not diminish!

It will keep on flowing and flowing and flowing. But, once we decide that’s as far as we can go, the oil will stop. So, why not double, triple or quadruple His anointing? There’s no limit with God! You can’t say, “Regent University has 20,000 students. That’s enough.” No, it isn’t! I believe this school will be the greatest university in the history of the world.

I still remember the vision God gave me more than 45 years ago when I bowed my head to pray over a lunch of cantaloupe and cottage cheese. He told me, “Build a school for my glory.” As you’ll read in these pages, Regent opened its doors for classes in the fall of 1978 as a graduate university with 77 students and seven faculty members in the School of Communications & the Arts.

Since then, Regent has grown to more than 13,000 current students on campus and online, with 150+ areas of study. With 2,559 degrees conferred, the class of 2022 was our largest graduating class ever. That raised the current Regent alumni to more than 33,000 Christian leaders equipped to change the world.

I trust you will find something in these pages that inspires you to stand with us in 2023. Your generous financial support is crucial to our success. So, at the center of every Impact newsletter, you’ll find a postage-paid envelope that can be used to make a tax-deductible donation to Regent University.

Your faithful prayers and gifts significantly impact the lives of the men and women who answer God’s call to attend this university. A check or debit/credit card donation will help Regent equip even more Christian leaders to change the world. To donate online, visit Thank you, in advance, for your support.


Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson
Founder, Chancellor & CEO
Regent University

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