Treasured Support Generous, longtime Regent donors share why they support the university and its mission

October 30, 2018 0 comments
The Regent University chapel and Divinity Building.

In two books of the Gospels we find Jesus telling his disciples, “For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21, Luke 12:34). Believers are called to give and to invest in heavenly “treasure” that will not fail, cannot be stolen and won’t be destroyed. Regent is grateful for the many friends who bless the university with their resources.

Sue Sainsbury and her late husband Jerry Boarman

As a former member of President’s Council of Advisors, Sue Sainsbury and her late husband Jerry Boarman “treasured” the school for decades. “We’ve known from the beginning that we belonged at Regent University,” Sainsbury says. “As we attended the semi-annual meetings and got to know President Bob Schlosser, Chancellor “Pat” Robertson, the students, alumni and others at the university, Jerry and I began to catch the vision. As time went on, we became more convinced that then-CBN University was truly birthed to become part of God’s Great Commission, and we wanted to be involved in it financially.”

The Boarmans ran a successful cleaning-supplies business in Florida during the late ’80s and early ’90s. When each of the couple’s four sons chose to enter the family business, rather than attend college, Sue and Jerry increased their support for Regent. “We took a step of faith,” she remembers, “to establish an endowed scholarship of a few thousand dollars to help a Regent student with their tuition.”

Sadly, Jerry Boarman passed away in 2004, after he and Sue were married for 44 years, but she still sponsors three different scholarships. Between 2010-13, Sue gave a significant amount to the Regent University Chapel: “I felt very, very blessed and happy that they were going to build the chapel finally,” she explains. “I just wanted to be involved in it. I think it’s the most inspiring thing that I really felt a part of. You could actually tangibly see it, when you were giving to the chapel.”

“You can be part of sending one or more persons into all the world as part of Christ’s Great Commission (Mark 16:15). Just begin somewhere. … When you start with a little bit, you never know what’s going to happen to it or with it.”


Sue says her second husband, John Sainsbury, is also happy to be involved with Regent through her ongoing efforts. But she insists that it’s not the size of the gift that counts; because even small amounts can help students answer the Lord’s call to pursue an education at Regent.

“We created an endowment, which was our small beginning,” she explains. “The Bible tells us not to despise the day of small beginnings (Zech. 4:10). By adding a gift monthly, it eventually grew into a worthwhile amount. Now, several students receive help with their tuition each year through this endowment.”

Sue adds, “You can be part of sending one or more persons ‘into all the world’ as part of Christ’s Great Commission (Mark 16:15). Just begin somewhere. … When you start with a little bit, you never know what’s going to happen to it — or with it.”

Walt and Carol Pilcher

Walt and Carol Pilcher also were members of the President’s Council of Advisors. Carol is an artist, known for her beautiful paintings. Walt was a trustee at Regent for many years and even served on the School of Business Committee. He’s also a former CEO of Legg’s Bali and the author of The Five-Fold Effects of Leadership, which was featured on The 700 Club.

“We felt the Holy Spirit’s presence immediately upon setting foot on campus,” Walt recalls. “As a Christian and a businessman, I was deeply impacted by the novel idea of offering an MBA or Ph.D. with a biblical worldview. I had no idea that was possible, but we saw it in action as we visited the classes and talked with some of the professors. We fell in love with Regent at that point, and our commitment to support its important work has never left.”

Walt and Carol say they’re “thrilled and gratified” to see how much Regent has grown over the many years they’ve been associated with the university. They specifically point to the increased number of both graduate and undergraduate schools and the expansion of online programs.

The Pilchers have witnessed the construction of The Founders Inn, the Student Center and Regent Chapel; attended Clash of the Titans debates and other events with “world-class speakers,” and celebrated the university’s many regional and national awards and rankings. They also are grateful to see Regent graduates make an impact on our culture, fulfilling the vision and mission of the university.

“Over the years it has been a joy to talk with students and see their zeal for the Lord,” Walt says. “By supporting Regent, we contribute to establishing and maintaining godly culture in all areas of life and society by preparing students for leadership roles in the disciplines Regent focuses on. … Former Regent University President Bob Slosser put it best when he used to say, ‘May all who come behind us find us faithful!’”

Bill and Deborah Quinn

Bill and Deborah Quinn have been faithful givers to Regent University for many years. Bill, a former vice president at Johnson & Johnson, is also a U.S. Army veteran. Having received his MBA from Harvard, he understands the value and importance of a good education. “It’s really simple for us,” Bill insists. “We support Regent University because we believe our God supports Regent and has called us to do likewise.”

Early in their married life, the Quinns say they watched The 700 Club “to learn about Jesus and strengthen our walk with Him.” But through those broadcasts, the couple also learned about Regent University. Bill explains, “We saw the importance of bringing Jesus into university-level academics to equip students with the power of God as they go into the world. Regent prepares graduates for the spiritual battles as well as the common earthly challenges they will face.”

There’s no denying that Bill and Deborah’s obedience to God and their trust in Him have significantly blessed Regent, as well as its students, alumni, faculty and staff. “We serve the King of kings and Lord of lords,” Deborah says. “Still today, we hear His voice. No other name but the name of Jesus can ever satisfy.” Both she and Bill believe that others, as God leads them, also should consider supporting Regent.

“We believe Regent University is good ground for sowing into the Kingdom of God,” Bill states. “Good leaders make it easier to spread the Word of God throughout the earth. And by His grace and with the power of God, Regent University is equipping Christian leaders to advance God’s purposes in every aspect of life. That’s why we support Regent.”

To learn how you can support Regent University with your donation of cash, securities, annuities, trusts, bequests, and other gifts of equity or property, please visit or call 800.335.4409.

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